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JON WALKER STABLES & RIDING ACADEMY is a 27-acre horse farm equipped with indoor and outdoor facilities for their training center and riding academy. Jon & Carolyn Walker are the husband and wife team that share the same love and devotion for horses along with over 50 years of professional experience. The Walkers strive daily to keep their horse haven operating with SAFETY first and FUN following right behind! Jon is a NATIONAL CHAMPION Trainer in the Roadhorse, Hackney, and Saddlebred Divisions where as Carolyn is a NATIONAL CHAMPION Instructor in the Academy Division.
Carolyn’s riding academy & lesson program provides various levels of riding instruction opportunities. Whether the desire is simply to learn how to pleasure ride or if you are a rider aiming to compete in Horse Shows, you have come to the right place! Also, to make sure the level of fun is kept in the mix, there are activities ongoing such as: Barn Sleepovers, Summer Camps, Ladies Night, Date Night, Drop-off Days, and Trail Rides for JWS Riding Students, and many more fun horsey things to do.